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В разделе материалов: 2 Показано материалов: 1-2 |
The word medicine is derived from the Latin ars medicina, meaning the art of healing,however there are no proofs of that, but still some people in Central Asia believe that word “medicine” derived from great Uzbek Scientist who lived in X-XI Century. It is not secret that he was one of people who did great contribution to world science including medicine. However there are no proofs of that, but still some people in Central Asia believe that word “medicine” derived from great Uzbek Scientist who lived in X-XI Century. It is not secret that he was one of people who did great contribution to world science including medicine.
Ilm-fan |
Просмотров: 2138 |
Добавил: wolf |
Дата: 29.11.14
tilida gapirishga o’rgatish
tillar ko’p ammo ular ichida xalqaro hisoblanganlari bir nechta. Ingliz
tilining dunyo miqyosida tutgan o’rning kundan kunga o’sib borishi unga bo’lgan
qiziqishning kundan-kunga ortishiga sabab bo’lmoqda. Har bir tilda bo’lgani
kabi ingliz tili ham bir nechta muhim bo’lgan nutq vositalarini o’z ichiga
oladi, ammo ularning ichida gaplashish
(speaking) boshqalariga qaraganda ko’proq ishlatilishi va muhimligi bilan
ajralib turadi....
Ilm-fan |
Просмотров: 4152 |
Добавил: wolf |
Дата: 04.12.13